[ MP3 / Pop, Rock / Discography / 320 kbps ]
Referenciada por sua voz única e pela versatilidade de suas letras poéticas, ela alcançou fama internacional na década de 1970. Coleciona diversos prêmios em sua carreira, destacando-se um Oscar de Melhor Canção Original. Ao longo dos anos ela evoluiu artisticamente, incorporando uma variedade de estilos musicais em sua obra.
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Known for her unique voice and the versatility of her poetic lyrics, she achieved international fame in the 1970s. She has collected several awards in her career, including an Oscar for Best Original Song. Over the years she has evolved artistically, incorporating a variety of musical styles into her work.

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1971 - Carly Simon
1971 - Anticipation
1972 - No Secrets
1974 - Hotcakes
1975 - Playing Possum
1976 - Another Passenger
1978 - Boys In The Trees
1979 - Spy
1980 - Come Upstairs
1981 - Torch
1983 - Hello Big Man
1985 - Spoiled Girl
1987 - Coming Around Again
1989 - Working Girl
1990 - My Romance
1990 - Have You Seen Me Lately?
1993 - Carly Simon's Romulus Hunt: A Family Opera
1994 - Letters Never Sent
1997 - Film Noir
2000 - The Bedroom Tapes
2005 - Moonlight Serenade
2006 - Into White
2008 - This Kind Of Love
2009 - Never Been Gone
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