[ ALAC / Metal Alternativo, Hard Rock, Nu Metal / Discography ]
Banda estadunidense formada em 1995 pela vocalista e pianista Amy Lee e o guitarrista Ben Moody. Em 2003, ganhou reconhecimento internacional e vendeu mundialmente mais de 17 milhões de cópias, recebendo 7 Discos de Platina. "Bring Me to Life" e "My Immortal" permaneceram por semanas no topo das paradas musicais.
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American band formed in 1995 by vocalist and pianist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody. In 2003, it gained international recognition and sold more than 17 million copies worldwide, receiving 7 Platinum Discs. "Bring Me to Life" and "My Immortal" remained for weeks at the top of the music charts.

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2000 - Origin
2003 - Fallen
2003 - Fallen (Japanese Edition)
2003 - Fallen (Reissue)
2006 - The Open Door
2006 - The Open Door (Japanese Edition)
2011 - Evanescence
2011 - Evanescence (Deluxe Edition)
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