[ MP3 / Funk / Disco / Soul / 320 kbps ]

Grupo americano de jazz, R&B, soul, funk e disco, formado em 1964. Teve diversas fases musicais durante sua carreira. Começando com um som jazz mais purista, depois o funk e o R&B, progredindo para um pop-funk mais suave, e após 2000 criando uma música com um som mais moderno e electro-pop. Já ultrapassaram 70 milhões de álbuns vendidos.
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( Álbuns de Estúdio )
1969 - Kool And The Gang (00:32:46)
1972 - Good Times (00:31:21)
1972 - Music Is The Message (00:34:34)
1973 - Wild And Peaceful (00:37:34)
1974 - Light Of Worlds (00:36:03)
1975 - Spirit Of The Boogie (00:42:27)
1976 - Love & Understanding (00:41:07)
1976 - Open Sesame (00:34:05)
1977 - The Force (00:28:36)
1978 - Everybody's Dancin (00:36:01)
1979 - Ladies' Night (00:33:28)
1980 - Celebrate (00:35:12)
1981 - Something Special (00:39:42)
1982 - As One (00:35:38)
1983 - In The Heart (00:35:19)
1985 - Emergency (00:36:58)
1986 - Forever (00:41:33)
1989 - Sweat (00:54:13)
1992 - Unite (01:14:26)
1997 - Kool Jazz (01:15:39)
2007 - Still Kool (01:04:53)
2011 - Open Sesame (1976)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:51:53)
2013 - As One (1982)(Reissue, Remastered)(01:00:22)
2013 - Celebrate! (1980)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:55:40)
2013 - Ladies Night (1979)(Reissue, Remastered)(01:00:42)
2013 - Something Special (1981)(Remastered)(01:08:16)
2014 - Everybody's Dancin (1978)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:46:33)
2014 - The Force (1977)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:53:52)
2015 - In The Heart (1983)(Reissue, Remastered)(01:05:47)
2016 - Emergency (1985)(2CD, Deluxe Edition)(02:04:54)
( Álbuns ao vivo )
1972 - Good Times (00:31:21)
1972 - Music Is The Message (00:34:34)
1973 - Wild And Peaceful (00:37:34)
1974 - Light Of Worlds (00:36:03)
1975 - Spirit Of The Boogie (00:42:27)
1976 - Love & Understanding (00:41:07)
1976 - Open Sesame (00:34:05)
1977 - The Force (00:28:36)
1978 - Everybody's Dancin (00:36:01)
1979 - Ladies' Night (00:33:28)
1980 - Celebrate (00:35:12)
1981 - Something Special (00:39:42)
1982 - As One (00:35:38)
1983 - In The Heart (00:35:19)
1985 - Emergency (00:36:58)
1986 - Forever (00:41:33)
1989 - Sweat (00:54:13)
1992 - Unite (01:14:26)
1997 - Kool Jazz (01:15:39)
2007 - Still Kool (01:04:53)
2011 - Open Sesame (1976)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:51:53)
2013 - As One (1982)(Reissue, Remastered)(01:00:22)
2013 - Celebrate! (1980)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:55:40)
2013 - Ladies Night (1979)(Reissue, Remastered)(01:00:42)
2013 - Something Special (1981)(Remastered)(01:08:16)
2014 - Everybody's Dancin (1978)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:46:33)
2014 - The Force (1977)(Reissue, Remastered)(00:53:52)
2015 - In The Heart (1983)(Reissue, Remastered)(01:05:47)
2016 - Emergency (1985)(2CD, Deluxe Edition)(02:04:54)
( Álbuns ao vivo )
1971 - Live At PJ's (00:46:57)
1994 - Greatest Hits Live! (00:56:47)
1998 - Kool & The Gang (Live In London 1993)(01:05:00)
2003 - Ladies Night (Live in NYC)(00:51:58)
2010 - The Very Best Of - Live In Concert (00:50:53)
( Coletâneas )
1983 - Boogie With...Kool & The Gang (00:52:11)
1985 - Best Of Kool And The Gang (01:03:56)
1988 - Everything's Kool & The Gang : Greatest Hits & More (01:14:31)
1988 - The Singles Collection (01:08:57)
1990 - The Dance Collection (01:08:28)
1990 - The Very Best Of (2CD)(02:06:51)
1991 - Great & Remixed '91 (01:02:24)
1993 - The Best Of Kool And The Gang (1969-1976)(01:14:06)
1994 - Anthology (01:17:52)
1994 - Celebration: The Best Of Kool & The Gang (1979-1987)(01:17:51)
1997 - The Collection (01:13:04)
1998 - The Collection (01:13:06)
1999 - The 12'' Collection And More (01:12:11)
1999 - The Very Best Of Kool & The Gang (01:18:32)
2000 - Get Down On It: The Very Best Of (01:12:24)
2002 - Kool Funk Essentials (2CD)(01:54:19)
2003 - Gangthology (2CD)(02:29:28)
2003 - The Ultimate Collection (3CD)(03:05:27)
2004 - The Best Of Kool & The Gang (00:52:25)
2004 - The Hits Reloaded (2CD)(01:55:22)
2005 - Gold (2CD)(02:19:35)
2007 - Les 50 Plus Belles Chansons (3CD)(03:34:10)
2009 - Kool & The Gang Best Selection (01:19:17)
2011 - Icon (00:54:13)
2013 - Ballads (00:56:04)
2013 - Kool for the Holidays (00:58:50)
2018 - Collected (3CD)(03:56:21)
1985 - Best Of Kool And The Gang (01:03:56)
1988 - Everything's Kool & The Gang : Greatest Hits & More (01:14:31)
1988 - The Singles Collection (01:08:57)
1990 - The Dance Collection (01:08:28)
1990 - The Very Best Of (2CD)(02:06:51)
1991 - Great & Remixed '91 (01:02:24)
1993 - The Best Of Kool And The Gang (1969-1976)(01:14:06)
1994 - Anthology (01:17:52)
1994 - Celebration: The Best Of Kool & The Gang (1979-1987)(01:17:51)
1997 - The Collection (01:13:04)
1998 - The Collection (01:13:06)
1999 - The 12'' Collection And More (01:12:11)
1999 - The Very Best Of Kool & The Gang (01:18:32)
2000 - Get Down On It: The Very Best Of (01:12:24)
2002 - Kool Funk Essentials (2CD)(01:54:19)
2003 - Gangthology (2CD)(02:29:28)
2003 - The Ultimate Collection (3CD)(03:05:27)
2004 - The Best Of Kool & The Gang (00:52:25)
2004 - The Hits Reloaded (2CD)(01:55:22)
2005 - Gold (2CD)(02:19:35)
2007 - Les 50 Plus Belles Chansons (3CD)(03:34:10)
2009 - Kool & The Gang Best Selection (01:19:17)
2011 - Icon (00:54:13)
2013 - Ballads (00:56:04)
2013 - Kool for the Holidays (00:58:50)
2018 - Collected (3CD)(03:56:21)
. . .
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